Recent News

  • I moved to my new home, Department of Media and Communication, Kyungpook National University, Korea.
  • My new paper, “Correcting Sample Selection Bias of Historical Digital Trace Data: Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) and Type II Tobit Model,” co-authored with Kelley Cotter and Kjerstin Thorson is pubished online in Communication Methods and Measures.
  • My new paper, “Datafication of News and Journalism Practices,” co-authored with So-Eun Lee is published in Media and Society (in Korean).


I am an assistant professor in Department of Media and Communication at Kyungpook National University (KNU). I am a computational social scientist who’s interested in the evolution of public discourse mediated by transforming media ecosystem. In most of  works, I try to put media studies, information science and economics together.

Currently, I am working to develop statistical tools to overcome the methodological challenges stemming from the uniqueness of digital trace data. While I am an avid learner of economic theory, mathematical argument and machine learning, I started as a cultural study scholar and still am looking to connect my research back with critical theories on algorithms and artificial intelligence.

At KNU, I teach data journalism, media economics and policies, platform governance, and advanced computational methods. I have been a “world traveler” throughout my academic career. Before I join KNU, I worked at Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University (Zhuhai, China), University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Michigan State University (US), and Korea Information Development Institute (Korea).